Monday, February 2, 2015

hot mama coming through.....


I felt like I had to add that disclaimer.

As you know, for 2015 my one little word was ENJOY (if you're new here new year post ). And one of the first things I wrote down when choosing my one little word was my health. I always tell myself to exercise! Go for a walk, run with my mom, play tag at the park with Keyy. Then dinner is running late, my mom work outs at the butt crack or dawn and Keyy would rather play with his "friends". So there, I tried right. NO!

I was telling a friend that MY problem is I'm always TOO EAGER. I tell everyone, and make 15 lists of exercises, and make a "clean eating" menu. Then I give up because its too much work and I "don't have time." - I do have time, I need to have time, I WILL MAKE TIME; I hope.

So this year I've decided to start slow and get myself and my body use to exercise, other than racing upstairs with Karter on my hip, to help Keyy who is screaming bloody murder.

step 1: "find someone to workout with" . Team work makes the dream work! I found a cool place where I can tackle two fears. First fear ; exercise & second fear; mommy & me play groups.

They offer a few MOM friendly exercise activities. The one I was most excited about was the body back program. But it's a tad expensive for our budget & I want to go in slow. NOT TOO EAGER! 

So I decided that twice a month I would join the stroller group and get some exercise and socializing in at the same time! 

Look them up! Maybe they are in your area too!

step 2: "find at home exercises".  I don't know about you, but I'm always busy. Laundry, cleaning, errands, cooking, Law&Order SVU marathons, etc. So I wanted exercises I could do between loads, while watching a marathon & during nap time! 

below you will find some quick & simple exercises that I'm using to get my body moving!

step 3: "change my diet". I have the AWFUL habit of not eating. I may eat one bowl of oatmeal in the morning and then I don't eat until my husband gets home & eat dinner. I don't purposely "starve" myself but like I said before I'm always "too busy". I should never be too busy to eat, even if it's something small. 

So my main "change my diet" goal is to EAT EVERYDAY; at least 3 times a day. 

happy exercising!

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